Transcript questions

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sat Feb 9 02:21:01 EST 2002

At 10:39 AM -0800 2/8/2002, Devin Asay wrote:
>1. getProp control structure - Other than for implementing virtual
>properties, why would this structure ever be used?  I don't need to
>use it to access custom properties; I only have to refer to the
>custom property in a statement:
>	put the essentialData of group "myGroup" into mydata
>Using a getProp structure seems like an unnecessary complication.

If you just want to set a property to a value, it is. Most of the time
you'll just use the property name without creating a getProp handler for it.

However, if you want to create a virtual property, or want to trigger other
changes when a custom property value changes (for example, changing other
properties at the same time), the getProp construct will come in handy.

>2. The open file command has an optional _for_ form (open file for
>update | read | write | append.)   I think I understand what each
>form does, but what is the default?  If I simply use "open file
><filename>" does it open "for update" by default?


Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Power to the Developer!

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