AppleScript functions made easy

yves COPPE yvescoppe at
Thu Feb 7 06:26:01 EST 2002

>In HyperCard I had a stack with a lot of AppleScript functions. Because RR
>treads AppleScript differently, I tried to make a function which may come in
>handy for others as well.
>The basic idea is that you store the AS-functions in a separate file; a
>normal AppleScript-file. No custom props or fields needed, so you don't have
>to work with a copy of the script, but you can work with the original, which
>saves time when the AppleScript function is still in development.
>Then you must know the path and the name of the function in the file. You
>call it with:
>get AppleScriptFunction("nameOfFunction", "path:to:file", 1, 2, "three",
>Mind that on Mac OS classic you need to use colons in the path (2nd param),
>while on Mac OS X you must use slashes.
>Then in the stack-script you can put:
>function AppleScriptFunction aFun, aFile
>   put "set theScript to load script (alias "&quote&aFile&quote&")"&return& \
>       "tell theScript to "&aFun&"(" into ASfunc
>   if paramcount() > 2 then
>     repeat with e = 3 to paramcount()
>       put param(e) into f
>       if param(e) is a number then
>         put f & "," after ASfunc
>       else
>         put quote & f & quote & "," after ASfunc
>       end if
>     end repeat
>   end if
>   put ")" into last char of ASfunc
>   do ASfunc as applescript
>end AppleScriptFunction
>Now you can call any function with any number of parameters. The value that
>is returned by the AppleScript-function is returned by "AppleScriptFunction"
>as well.

Thank you, really very useful !


Email : yvescoppe at

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