Get the filesize?
Shao Sean
shaosean at
Tue Feb 5 03:42:00 EST 2002
> This looks like the ticket, Shao. Thx!
not a prob.. hope someone else finds it useful too ^_^
> I thought there might be an easier way.
mm.. there might be.. anyone? maybe the code can be cleaned up, speed up,
etc..? i know that i do a few checks to see if the file really does exist,
but that's okay.. doesn't seem to be slow at all..
> BTW, I think I'll insert a put the defaultFolder into oldDefaultFolder
> before changing it, that way I can restore it at the end.
store the original default folder before calling this function and then
restore it after calling it.. or use this modified code..
-- Start code --
function getFileSize pFullFilePath
# Declare the variables
local vFilePath, vFileName, vDirectoryListing, vDirectoryListingLine,
vOriginalDirectory -- CHANGE: added the vOriginalDirectory variable
# Store the current default directory
put the defaultFolder into vOriginalDirectory -- CHANGE: added this line
# Split the file's path and name
set the itemDelimiter to "/"
put the last item of pFullFilePath into vFileName
put pFullFilePath into vFilePath
delete last item of vFilePath
set the itemDelimiter to comma
# Change the directory
set the defaultFolder to vFilePath
# Get the directory listing
put the detailed files into vDirectoryListing
# Find our file and return the file size
if (vFileName is among the items of vDirectoryListing) then
repeat for each line vDirectoryListingLine in vDirectoryListing
if (item 1 of vDirectoryListingLine = vFileName) then
set the defaultFolder to vOriginalDirectory -- CHANGE: added this
if (the platform is "MacOS") then
return item 2 of vDirectoryListingLine + item 3 of
return item 2 of vDirectoryListingLine
end if
end if
end repeat
return -1
end if
end getFileSize
-- End Code --
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