Tutorials + idea

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at internettrainer.com
Tue Dec 31 11:11:01 EST 2002

On Donnerstag, Dezember 26, 2002, at 03:29  Uhr, manuel companys wrote:

> Le Wednesday, 25 Dec 2002, à 12:10 US/Central, Gernot Lorenz a écrit :
>> Am Montag, 23.12.02 um 15:11 Uhr schrieb Andre Rombauts:
>>> I’ve been learning Rev for several months but to really go ‘inside’ 
>>> I would need an ‘in-depth-tutorial’.

>>> ---

>>> Will we get a good tutorial book?...
>> Dear Andrè,
>> I'm nearly in the same situation like You
>> Like You I would like to have additionally an ‘in-depth-tutorial’ to 
>> avoid many experiments, but there is nothing on the market.
>> Gernot

> My case is more like Gernot's; except that I am much older and I used 
> HyperCard not to teach how to program but to teach languages and 
> linguistics.,

>  But maybe some of the tricks I found out could be useful to you as 
> well.

Hello to all of this thread...
Caution: here comes an idea...
I m not in the position of teaching but I m doing special mulitimedia 
apps for self learning.
I had (seems still have) no idea about scripting. But Rev is the the 
only crossplatform tool to do this, and thats very important for my 
project. So I had to learn it!! At least the basics to do what I need. 
But there is so much more potential...
And... there is nearly nothing for beginners.
And... for beginners which have no idea of programming/scripting, there 
is less than nothing.
And... for beginners which have no idea of programming/scripting with 
nativ language german, except from Maltes workshop, there is less than 

I had to struggle a lot to understand what of this example scripts 
(here) is xtalk (HC/MC/Rev)-specific and whats general programming. (I 
went to hell and back...=:o()
BUT... some time ago I found a very nice book for learning:
Programmieren spielend gelernt mit dem Java Hamster Modell (Dietrich 
It is not a Java-only learning book it uses a subset of Java to show 
that programming is much more than learning a language...
The big point of it: Every line is well documented, And there are 
flowchart and pics of every script... (that helps also right brained 
persons to understand better, than text-only explications could do...

And now the idea.
What we need is:
Programmieren spielend gelernt mit dem Revolution Hamster (or frog, 
turtle, etc...) modell.

The author is professor of german university
I think you (we) could contact him and make a suggestion of 
collaborating (coauthoring) adapt, or writing together with him or some 
of his students a version of his book for rev...

On the list are some great german speaking rev/MC gurus and/or malt 
drinkers;).. so if one of them could help a bit than maybe we get a 
great thing to learn rev...

Just an idea; what do you -everybody here on the list is invited to- 
think about it..?

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

Learn easy with trainingsmaps©

INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
http://www.internettrainer.com, wmb at internettrainer.com
Tel: ++43/1/ 961 0418, Fax: ++43/1/ 479 2539

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