groups and background
Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at
Sat Dec 28 17:13:01 EST 2002
On Saturday, December 28, 2002, at 08:58 AM, Dar Scott wrote:
> I got numbers that are not consistent with this. (see my mail
> yesterday) I think "the number of backgrounds" refers to total number
> of groups directly on or placed on cards of the stack. I suspect that
> nested groups are not counted. I will have to run more tests to be
> sure.
This is exactly correct. I agree that it might be a bit confusing, but
I think the rationale is this: a background is a group that can be
placed onto a card. A nested group cannot be placed onto a card, except
if its owner is placed onto the card (which will include any nested
groups). A group that is enclosed in another cannot be used as a
background, and therefore is not a background.
On Saturday, December 28, 2002, at 09:34 AM, Dar Scott wrote:
> I apologize. I didn't mean to ignore your suggestion. I was aware of
> the behavior of "there is a group" and "there is a background". I
> went on to show that "the number of" had the same problems and both
> were not consistent with "the groups of" and "the backgrounds of".
I don't think there is a "the groups of" construct. You can get the
groupnames of a card, and the backgroundnames of a stack.
> But are people confused by this?
> I would guess that some people are under the impression that "there is
> a background" means that there is a group with background behavior set
> somewhere in the stack by that name. That would not be the case.
You're right above. "there is a background" means there is a
non-enclosed group of that name somewhere in the stack.
> I would guess that some people are under the impression that "there is
> a background" means that there is a group somewhere in the stack by
> that name. But, it doesn't work that way on my system.
"there is a background" _does_ mean there is a group somewhere in the
stack by that name. However, the reverse is not true: there can be a
group named "bob" in a stack, and 'there is a background "bob"' could
still return false. This would be the case if group "bob" were enclosed
in (a part of) group "sally"
> I would guess that some might think that if 'there is a group "alpha"'
> is true, then 'there is a background "alpha"' is true. I see
> counterexamples.
Same as above. If group "alpha" is part of group "omega" then group
"alpha" cannot be a background -- it cannot be "placed onto" a card.
> I would guess that some might expect "the number of lines in the
> backgrounds" to be the same as "the number of backgrounds". This is
> not the case.
If you're referring to the backgroundNames or the backgroundIDs, you're
right and I agree with you. The backgroundNames and backgroundIDs
return a subset of the backgrounds: the ones that have the
backgroundBehavior set to true. I agree that's confusing. But you can
easily write:
function myBackgroundNames()
put empty into tReturnList
repeat with i = 1 to the number of backgrounds of this stack
put the short name of background i & cr after tReturnList
end repeat
return tReturnList
end myBackgroundNames
> I would guess that some might think that 'there is a background
> "alpha"' is the same as '"alpha" is among the lines of the
> backgrounds'. I would guess otherwise.
See above.
> This is in addition to confusion areas. We have these three (at
> least):
> 1) The use of "background" in background behavior vs. "background" in
> some subset of groups associated with a stack.
I agree that backgroundBehavior can be misleading. But it would be
misleading to use a name that didn't include "background" since its
function is to make groups/backgrounds work like backgrounds in
HyperCard. Maybe change it to HCBackgroundBehavior ;-)
> 2) The inconsistent use of "background" in the subsets of groups
> associated with a stack. (As described above)
> 3) The inconsistent path for groups that do not have background
> behavior set.
The inconsistency is the result of attempted HyperCard compatibility. I
never set backgroundBehavior to true, so I'm not too familiar with any
issues it might cause.
Somewhere along the way you asked what others call these things. I
always think of them as groups. I only use the term background when I'm
placing one onto a card. I think Ken pointed out the syntax supports
this as well. If you put the name of a background, you'll get group
Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at
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