Gernot Lorenz
GernotL at t-online.de
Fri Dec 27 04:59:01 EST 2002
manuel companys wrote:
> Le Wednesday, 25 Dec 2002, à 12:10 US/Central, Gernot Lorenz a écrit :
> Am Montag, 23.12.02 um 15:11 Uhr schrieb Andre Rombauts:
> I’ve been learning Rev for several months but to really go
> ‘inside’ I would need an ‘in-depth-tutorial’. This is quite
> different from all othe programing environment I used in the
> past (Basic, Visual Basic, Pascal – I’m just a 50 y old
> teacher who started with computer in the 80’). How to organize
> stacks, to use externals and plugins (not really sure to
> understand the difference), etc. Revolution is so ‘huge’...
> Will we get a good tutorial book?...
> André
> Dear Andrè,
> I'm nearly in the same situation like You (I used in the past
> (Basic, Visual Basic, Pascal – I’m just a 50 y old teacher who
> started with computer in the 80’) with the difference that I'am an
> experienced User of Hypercardt - the anchestor of MetaCard and
> Revolution - which only exists for MacOS. But now, with
> platform-independent MetaCard and/or Revolution (which are nearly
> the ssame) I have a tool which fits better to our school's
> situation (we have a MacOS computer lab and a Windows computer
> lab). My pupils are beginners in programming, about 16 years old,
> and there is absolutely no book about MetaCard or Revolution for
> them , even not an English one (I need one in German). For
> Hypercard, , there were enough good books (also in German
> language), but Hypercard is to much different.
> What to do ?
> During the last three months I began myself to make a suitable
> book (or booklet) for learning programming (rather than
> multimedia-authoring) with MetaCard and Revolution, which will be
> used as a book for beginners or pupils.
> Like You I would like to have additionally an ‘in-depth-tutorial’
> to avoid many experiments, but there is nothing on the market.
> But nevertheless I am interested in what You are doing with Your
> pupils ?
> What would You expect from school-book for beginners ?
> I would be glad to hear from You something about working with
> Metacard/Revolution in school.
> Gernot
> My case is more like Gernot's; except that I am much older and I used
> HyperCard not to teach how to program but to teach languages and
> linguistics., I have written a lot of HC "didacticiels" as we say in
> french: general phonetics; japaneese tons; german verbs; tamil
> scripts; russian text comprehension; spanish; french; quizz in general
> linguistics; language performance level ... and so on. This also means
> that I came accross special character and keyboard problems: fonts;
> accents, KCHR resources; etc.
> Now I am retired and struggling for trying to port some of theese
> HyperCard Stacks to R-R, I guess I am likely to get more benefits from
> your help than the other way around. But maybe some of the tricks I
> found out could be useful to you as well.
Dear Manuel Companys,
thank You for Your mail. I think, soon the time will come I will ask You
some help. I often find myself thinking in Hypercard while working with
MetaCard oder Revolution, and so many things are different, for example
handling the background, which has in Hypercard a totally different
If You are trying to convert HC-Stacs to RunRev or Metacard, then try
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