[ANN] RevNet launched

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Thu Dec 26 03:46:45 EST 2002

Richard: thanks for this wonderful model!

NOTE: If you open RevNet inside Revolution... one gets problems... 
presumably because the "Rev"  string in the file name is reserved for 
Rev UI stacks (I had this same problem with a stack named "Revolving 
Calendar")  so don't be misled by error dialogs....

Specifically: if I click on the link to down oad stacks I would go to 
the stack page and then clicking on one of those links... it breaks 

There was an Execution Error at 10:35:37 PM
Error description:  Function: error in function handler
Revolution User Interface Error: Object: card id 1060 of stack "RevNet"
put "<b><a href="&q(item 7 of tInfo)&">"& item 5 of tInfo 
&"</a></b><br>" into tHtml
Value: q
If one quits Rev and just boots "goRevnet.rev" ... and then downloads 
"RevNet"  i.e. no loading of the Rev UI..

The problem goes away:  obviously there is a conflict between the Rev 
UI and any stacks that begin with "Rev"

This should be considered a bug, since the dev app should not place any 
constraints on the file name of its output.

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