if (this stack is a standalone) then ...

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at inspiredlogic.com
Wed Dec 25 16:42:01 EST 2002

On Wednesday, December 25, 2002, at 07:40 AM, Rob Cozens wrote:

> This, however, will:
> function amIAStandalone
>   if there is a background "revLibraries" then return true else return 
> false
> end amIAStandalone
Not if the stack is running without the development environment. 
Checking the long name of something would probably allow you to figure 
this out -- depends on whether you expect to know the name of the 
standalone and the stack file or not. The problem is that there really 
isn't any difference between running as a stack and running as an app.

On Tuesday, December 24, 2002, at 01:08 PM, Ivers, Doug E wrote:

> Is there a way to determine in a script if the stack is a standalone?

Out of curiosity, why do you need to know?


Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at inspiredlogic.com

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