'Flattening'/storing arrays
Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 16 17:16:01 EST 2002
Hi Jim and Dar,
Appearently I left a bit of an error in my quick&dirty
array-to-xml scheme (I forgot to 'enquote' the keys).
Here's a better version of the serialiation function:
function serialisedArray @pArray
put "<array>" & return into tSerialisedArray
put the keys of pArray into tKeys
repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
put "<element key=" & quote & tKey & quote & \
">" & pArray[tKey] & "</element>" & return \
after tSerialisedArray
end repeat
put "</array>" after tSerialisedArray
return tSerialisedArray
end serialisedArray
And to boot, here's a function to de-serialise the
string into an array.
function deSerialiseArray pString
if line 1 of pString is not "<array>" or \
line -1 of pString is not "</array>" then
return "Error: invalid string"
end if
put 0 into tStart
get offset("<element key=" & quote, pString, tStart)
repeat until it = 0
-- first retrieve the key for the element
put tStart + it + 14 into tKStart
put offset(quote & ">", pString, tKStart) \
into tKEnd
if tKEnd = 0 then return "Error: invalid string"
put char tKStart to (tKStart + tKEnd - 1) \
of pString into tKey
-- then retrieve the data for the element
put tKStart + tKEnd + 2 into tDStart
put offset("</element>", pString, tDStart) \
into tDEnd
if tDEnd = 0 then return "Error: invalid string"
put char tDStart to (tDStart + tDEnd - 1) \
of pString into tData
-- store the data in the element with the key
put tData into tArray[tKey]
-- and get ready for the next retrieve cycle
put tDStart + tDEnd + 10 into tStart
get offset("<element key=" & quote, pString, \
end repeat
-- pString has now been de-serialised into tArray
return tArray
end deSerialiseArray
However, as Dar pointed out, if the data is 'polluted'
in any way (as in: contains data that might mess up
the XML-structure) then this is not a good method,
though it's arguable that you'll have trouble storing
and retrieving the data outside of custom properties
in such cases anyway.
Hope this helped,
Jan Schenkel.
"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time." (La Rochefoucauld)
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