Runrev as an expert system shell

Alex Rice alex at
Tue Dec 10 18:35:01 EST 2002

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 04:06  PM, Wolfgang M. Bereuter wrote:

> This offer sounds great...
> Therefore the winner of the malt should imho  be: Alex Rice!
> ;)

Thanks I appreciate that, unfortunately I quit drinking alcohol a few 
years ago. I would want the person providing the expert knowledge of 
scotch selection should get the prize, not me. I would donate the app 
to the User Contributions site.

After thinking about the wine expert system vs. scotch, I am wondering 
if people usually drink scotch with meals or not? It could start out 
with a question like this

What is the occasion?
1) lounging at the club
2) cards or billiards game
3) with a meal
4) after a meal
5) getting schnockered with some old pals

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alrice at

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