Newbie wants to know if one can run two handlers simultaneously

David Vaughan dvk at
Sun Dec 8 16:18:14 EST 2002

On Monday, December 9, 2002, at 07:37 AM, Scott Rossi wrote:
>> Send-in-time statements are the best approach now but risk locking out
>> mouse events.
> I haven't found this is to be the case -- what reproducible problem 
> have you
> run up against?
> I once created a project that ran around 40 "self-aware" animated 
> sprites
> that traveled from the bottom to the top of the screen and reset 
> themselves
> autonomously, all while mouse down and up events were captured.  I 
> never
> encountered any mouse event problems.
> (BTW, the project ran fine on Macs but slowed Windows boxes to a crawl 
> or
> even a system error :-)


Sorry, the discussion was actually on the improve list but I 
erroneously posted the above to this one because the highlighting I 
have set for "common thread" in Mail is a bit close to that for 
"improve" messages. On that list, see the discussion between Dar and I 
on "events and pending messages" for our investigations and 
reproducible problems, and "pseudo-threading" for my optimistic feature 
If your script above was structured as a despatcher for the sprite 
methods rather than the sprites reiterating themselves then that would 
work, and would be a Transcript implementation of the pseudo-threading 
I am discussing (I did one myself) although at that point I would like 
to discuss on the other list the effective difference between idle 
(deprecated) and a send-in metronome of the same frequency.

I will cross-post this.


> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
> Email: scott at
> Web:
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