Function Newbie question...
Jim Hurley
jhurley at
Sat Dec 7 12:15:01 EST 2002
>--- Jim Hurley <jhurley at> wrote:
>> >I wrote a small function that returns the
>> distance between two Points.
>does this pertain to Turtle Graphics?
>erik at
Eric, there is a function "distance" in Turtle Graphics but it
relates to the distance between the current location of the turtle
(cursor element) and some chosen point. For example, if the turtle
were at the origin (center of the screen), the function
"distance(30,40)" would return 50--the hypotenuse of a right triangle
whose legs are 30, 40 is 50.
In some versions of TG there are multiple turtles--called sprites.
And so in a game with multiple, moving objects, one would need a
function to determine distance between each of the turtles.
The very basics in TG might be the following set of commands and
functions, which I hope are self explanatory:
forward 100
back 100
right 30
left 30
setHeading 45
setXY 30,40
incXY 3,4 --increment the x and y coordinates
heading ( )
distance (xTemp, yTemp)
This is all quite simple to implement in Transcript. But the beauty
of TG, like Transcript itself, is that it is extensible.
I know that RunRev is looking eventually to expand its market in
education. When it does, I think it will be helpful to include
examples of how Transcript and Turtle Graphics might be employed by
students as problem solving tools. For example, with sufficient
background, the students would write their own program to simulate
planetary motion using only the TG defined above:
constant G = 8000
on orbitTheSun
forward 90 -- Move the plant 90 units from the sun
put 0 into vx -- Initial horizontal velocity of planet
put 12 into vy -- Initial vertical velocity of planet
repeat until mouseClick() -- My apologies for polling the mouse.
incXY vx, vy -- Move the turtle (planet) a distance v
(distance/second) in each second
add accx() to vx
add accy() to vy
end repeat
end orbitTheSun
function accx
-- Newton's inverse square law of gravity
return -G * xcor()/ distance(0,0)^3 -- The sun is at 0,0
end accx
function accy
return -G * ycor()/ distance(0,0)^3
end accy
The result is an ellipse.
The emphasis would not necessarily be programing for its own sake,
but for programing (Transcript + TG) as a problem solving tool in a
variety of disciplines--in fact, getting back to the original
function of programming.
Sorry Eric: That's probably a lot more than your wanted to know about
the distance function.
Jim Hurley
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