Sell or distribute

Shao Sean shaosean at
Mon Apr 29 23:52:01 EDT 2002

> If I wanted to sell or distribute a standalone program
with runrev, there are no royalities or licensing fees (other than what you
pay to get the development license) for selling a standalone program..

> or distribute it via the internet, or are there
you can easily distribute it via the internet and there are many services
already setup that will help you with the distribution and/or payments..
check in the archives for an earlier thread about this..

> procedures that must be done such as: registation, copyright, etc?
in my country (canada) the moment you write it and such, you have the
copyright to it (unless it's a work-for-hire).. you may want to spend some
time to make sure that you're not going to be using the same name as someone

> Also, what is the deal with the beta testing?
usually you gather a group of people that you can trust and get them to sign
NDA's (i just threaten them.. it works the same ;-) but this sill depend on
what kind of software you are writing and the people you are getting to test
it (i've never gotten anyone to sign NDA's and nothing has ever been
leaked.. of course i put other things in there so i can tell who's copy was
leaked =)

> I am new to this developing thing and I am not sure as
welcome aboard.. =)

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