creating an installer?

Stephen Barncard stephenIC at
Mon Apr 29 03:04:14 EDT 2002

If it's a Mac installer you need, the Stuffit Installermaker is one 
of the best I've seen.   free demo

4D makes one:  (free demo)

many others listed at

>Has anyone created an installer using Rev? It shouldn't be that difficult,
>right? Just add a couple of aliases to the start-menu and the desktop and
>copy the folder to the right place..? But I've found that I would need
>specialfolderpath("programs") to find the location of the programs-folder.
>Is that possible to add to Rev?
>Or is it smarter to use another app like Wise or Installshield for this?
>Anyone know of a free installler-app?
>/Niklas Almesj–
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