lock messages (was send ___ to me in ___ sec)
Dar Scott
dsc at swcp.com
Thu Apr 25 12:40:01 EDT 2002
On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 09:10 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> In HyperCard, locking messages only stops navigation messages such
> as opencard, closecard, etc. but allows other messages to pass.
> But I was under the impression that in MetaCard/Revolution,
> locking messages stops all messages. The MC docs, which differ
> from the Rev docs, indicate that's the case and my experience has
> been the same.
I ran a test.
I modified the script found in my mail to this list "Message order"
on April 23. (Be careful, all, it will delete cards.) I added a
lock to the top and an unlock to the bottom. And tested.
The only change in the result is that the deleteCard handler was
not executed.
All handlers invoked by sent messages and by events were executed.
(I'm not sure whether "executed" is the right Rev term.)
I then inserted a wait...with messages. That worked as it would
without the lock. The lock seems to have no effect on that as far
as my testing went.
So, for the version of Revolution that I'm using, the Revolution
documentation has the right description. Perhaps there have been
some changes along the way.
There may be some things I and my limited test are missing.
So, to control events, the flushEvents() function seems to be the
way to go. (I haven't tried it, only read about it.)
(I have gotten the MC manual and it has helped when I run into
trouble. If I'm still confused--or my code doesn't work--after
looking at Revolution docs and the MC manual, then I go to the
source, I "ask Revolution", that is, I probe the engine with some
tests. Some place in there, I ask on "use-revolution", of course.)
Dar Scott
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