Jim Hurley
jphurley at
Thu Apr 25 07:27:01 EDT 2002
>I'd like a script which search for all occurences of a word in a list
>and returns the number of all lines.
>an example :
>a list with :
>So if i call the code for "John", the result should be :
How about something like:
Assuming the list of names is in field 1 and the line numbers are to
go into field 1 then:
on mouseUp
put getLines("John",field 1)into field 2
end mouseUp
function getLines tName, tNames
repeat with i = 1 to the number of lines in tNames
if tName is in line i of tNames then put i & return after results
end repeat
return results
end getLines
Jim Hurley
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