Message order ( was send ___ to ...)
Dar Scott
dsc at
Tue Apr 23 18:25:00 EDT 2002
Here are some scripts that illustrate what handler is executed
next. (It does not consider wait...with messages.) On a test card
you need button "order test", button "other button", and field
"Report". You need a couple tiny handlers in the stack script.
You also need some cards behind this one to delete. Clicking
button "order test" will delete one card.
Button "order test"--
on mouseUp
put empty into field "Report"
send "log one" to me in 0
send "log two" to me
delete next card
open socket to "" with message openCallback
log "Click on other button NOW!."
wait for 4 seconds -- Time for you to click on button "other button"
log "Don't click now."
send "log three" to me in 0
end mouseUp
on openCallback socketID
log "openCallback"
close socket socketID
end openCallback
on socketClosed socketID
log "socketClosed"
close socket ocketID
end socketClosed
on socketError
log "socketError"
close socket socketID
end socketError
Button "other button":
on mouseUp
log "other button"
end mouseUp
on log s
put s & linefeed after field "Report"
end log
on deleteCard
log "card deleted"
end deleteCard
Here is the result:
card deleted
Click on other button NOW!.
Don't click now.
other button
This means...
1. Executing a custom command occurs in line, even with "send to
me" (without time).
2. Some Revolution messages such as socketClosed are queued the
same as "send socketClosed to me in .2 seconds".
3. A handler called as result of command like "delete next card"
will be called immediately.
4. A handler called as result of an "event" (I'm not sure whether
I got the right jargon) such as a mouse click is called after ready
messages in pendingMessages().
I think one can guess which Revolution messages fit into which of
2, 3 or 4, but there might be some surprises.
Dar Scott
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