CGI, MacOS-X, etc..
Greg Saylor
gsaylor at
Tue Apr 23 04:46:01 EDT 2002
>Message: 14
>Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 04:27:11 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Jan Schenkel <janschenkel at>
>Subject: Re: CGI, MacOS-X, etc..
>To: use-revolution at
>Reply-To: use-revolution at
>--- Greg Saylor <gsaylor at> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> I downloaded the darwin engine (this is a Mac OS-X
>> system) and it does
>> indeed work.... However, I can't seem to get it to
>> work with the
>> "valentina" xcmd... Is there a way to do this?... I
>> tried adding that
>> little resource fork or whatever they talk about to
>> the script, but that
>> didn't do it...
>> Is this possible?..
>Hi Greg,
>Resource-forks in files are a MacOS-only technology,
>and even though Darwin is the core of MacOS X, it
>doesn't have such features as the resource manager in
>its APIs.
>I'm not sure if all connections to databases via the
>Database library are done through XCMDs -- but I'm
>sure the RunRev people can answer that one.
>If not, then don't use the Valentina XCMDs directly,
>but work through the Database library, as I'd expect
>that to be availabke on any platform, right?
>Best regards,
>Jan Schenkel.
Thanks for your response... I am not sure if what you are saying will
solve my problem though because it looks like the Valentina is only a
VXCMD -- even as part of Revolution....
My question though is: is there absolutely no other way to use a XCMD in
MacOS without using a resource fork?... It seems the answer to this
question is a resounding "NO WAY".. Which makes me wonder that it seems
like a different method needs to be developed if possible.... It sucks
that with Windows all I have to do is copy a .dll file into the
Revolution folder and the functions become available, but at the same
time I don't have the development tools I need on the Windows platform...
It seems like this part of Revolution is not very well documented at best
and at worst does not seem to work very cleanly... It seems odd to me
that I have to copy stuff into a resource fork just to use what amounts
to a shared library.... Further, that since Darwin does not seem to
support resource forks it becomes impossible to use it as a general-
purpose scripting tool because there is no way to use external functions...
I am a bit sleepy right now, I've been up for too long trying to figure
this one out (and in fact, there does not seem to be a way to do it)... I
hope this makes sense.... ;-)
- Greg
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