BUG in CONVERT command - or I can't tell the time

Michael D Mays michael at GreppyDreppies.com
Sun Apr 21 21:22:01 EDT 2002

That is what the documentation says. 0 seconds is 12 midnight, Jan 1, 1970

Or at least close to it. There are discrepancies with convert for zero(s)
seconds and -1 seconds.

  -2 secs -> 23:59:59
  -1 secs -> 12:00:00 mid GMT
  -0 secs -> 12:00:00 mid GMT
zero secs -> 0 (the result = invalid date)
   0 secs -> 0 (the result = invalid date)
  +0 secs -> 12:00:00 mid GMT
   1 secs -> 12:00:01

 get 0 -- and so on
 convert it to long time
 put it&&the result


Ian Summerfield of iansummerfield at btconnect.com wrote the following on
4/21/02 4:25 PM

> Maybe this only goes wrong under OS X.  I'm using OS X 10.1.4.  Maybe this
> only goes wrong depending on your date and time setting,  I'm set to time
> zone "United Kingdom" and my system indicates BST.
> Revolution is ONE hour out with it's results using CONVERT,  I think they
> have based something on GMT.

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