testing whether the value of a variable is an array

Ian Summerfield iansummerfield at btconnect.com
Fri Apr 19 03:27:01 EDT 2002

On 11/4/02 5:58 pm, "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto" <jeanne at runrev.com> scribed:

This "@v" business is new to me.   I'm presuming the @ is similar to using
VAR in PASCAL for parameters:

  function test(var v:integer);

Compared to

  function test(v:integer);

A pointer to the variable is passed rather than the content?  Is there
anything else hidden away like using ^ or ^^ to reference pointers and

Which give better performace, using @ for parameters or no @?  Is there a
point whereby you'd use @,  e.g. Variable is larger than 500 bytes?

>> Is there a clean way to test this?  Currently I'm using a pragmatic test:
>>    function isArray @v
>>      if v <> empty then return false
>>      return (the keys of v <> empty)
>>    end isArray
>> Is this reasonable?  Is there a more 'official' way?

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