Week number

Michael D Mays michael at GreppyDreppies.com
Mon Apr 15 15:12:01 EDT 2002

yves COPPE of yvescoppe at skynet.be wrote the following on 4/15/02 12:31 PM

> on mouseUp
> put "2002,04,15"  into tmp
> convert tmp to dateitems
> answer tmp # gives : "2002,04,15"
> convert tmp to seconds
> answer tmp # gives : "2002,04,15"
> end mouseUp

Shao Sean pointed out the error in my dateItem construction
 get theYear&","&theMOnth&","&theDay&",0,0,0,0"
should work and if you substitute where needed
 convert "4/15/2002" from short system date to dateItems
in the orginal handler you want have to build the dateItems string.


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