Rev Classic Crashing

Karl Petersen karlpet at
Sun Apr 14 01:14:01 EDT 2002

At 6:15 PM -0700 4/12/02, Geoff Canyon wrote:
>If you run out of memory, Revolution will allocate until there is 
>practically none left. What I see at that point is that the desktop 
>takes forever to update. If I move a window, I'll see the desktop 
>picture redraw bit by bit, and the icons on the desktop update 
>individually. That's a sure sign that it's time to quit Revolution 
>and start again.

If Rev allocates more and more memory to itself the longer it runs, 
won't it inevitably crash? To test this, I built a MacPPC app (20MB 
memory allocation, dynamic memory allocation tested both checked and 
unchecked) whose main routine saves 100 images to jpegs. Each time it 
runs that routine, the app grabs 15MB more RAM, until eventually it 
has allocated about 150MB to itself. It always crashes when the Mac's 
free RAM drops below 125MB. (I.1.1, MacOS 9.1, 512MB physical RAM)

Isn't it inevitable the app will crash when either 1) it can't 
allocate more memory to itself; or 2) it starves the Mac OS/other 
apps of memory? What am I missing? This just doesn't sound right.

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