Dev Project
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
jeanne at
Sat Apr 13 05:51:05 EDT 2002
At 7:41 AM -0700 4/12/2002, Dar Scott wrote:
>>> I want it to act like browse even though pointer (edit) is selected.
> From looking at topStack as you suggested below and then
>discovering mode, I realize that what I probably want is a stack
>whose mode is not 1.
>Mark suggested setting the style to palette. If I set it to
>palette, can I ever change it again?
>One way to make the mode not 1 I discovered from the docs is to
>have cantModify set to true. Is that a one-way operation? Will I
>be able to set it to false?
Actually, what you need is for the stack to be something other than
topLevel. This means you can change it to be a palette, modeless dialog, or
modal dialog. The cantModify doesn't affect the pointer-versus-browse tool.
(You can change the cantModify back and forth as often as you want,
though.) Modeless is probably what you want - it behaves the most like a
normal window.
You can either set the style property to modeless, or (the preferred way)
use the modeless command to display it as modeless. You can either use the
command in a script, or if the stack is already open, use the contextual
menu to switch back and forth.
>>> I might want to change the text in the rev script edit field.
>> Do you mean that you want to change one object's script via an event
>> executed in another Object (eg a btn click )
>I want to insert text while editing the script. So, I want to know
>the, uh, path or long name of the field of the rev script editor.
>And I need to know whether that is discouraged or frowned upon.
Well, it's not supported but I wouldn't say it's discouraged. Just remember
to make good backups. ;-)
I'm actually not completely sure how you'd go about this, because the
script editor may have different names depending on the circumstances. (All
script editor windows are clones of the Properties window, so it depends.)
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
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