Newbie question
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
jeanne at
Sat Apr 13 05:50:34 EDT 2002
At 11:24 AM -0700 4/8/2002, Edmund Boyd wrote:
>I'm interested in compiling a database application (using cards as
>records) for Windows (I use a Mac), but compiled stacks don't seem to
>be able to add new cards. Am I missing something obvious? Must data
>be held in a text file and imported at startup? (I don't want to use
>an external database as Valentina is too expensive for me to license.)
It's true you can't save a standalone once it's created. (A running
application can't save itself on Unix or Windows, and for compatibility
this limitation is also enforced on Mac OS.) So it needs to be in a
separate file.
However, there's no reason this file can't be a stack - it makes most
sense, I think, to place utility items such as your splash screen and menu
bar in the standalone, and set up a database template as a substack. Once
your standalone is built, to create a database, you can clone this
substack, saving it as a new stack file. You can either put it in the same
folder as your app, or allow the user to choose a location, depending on
whether the app will only use one database or can use any of several
user-created stacks.
Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
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