Newbie Font and Quicktime questions

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sat Apr 13 05:50:11 EDT 2002

At 7:11 AM -0700 4/12/2002, Fred_D_Yocum at wrote:
>Fonts - In the font menu is the option "Use Owners font" I am assuming
>that this
>is like the object/stack structure with the reference going up (or down) the
>branches until it reaches ?

That's right. Font (and color) attributes inherit in the object hierarchy -
controls inherit from the card they're on, cards inherit from their stacks,
and so on. Each object inherits fonts and colors from its owner.

>Where is the first referencing of the font attribute?

When you build your application, the base fonts are set by the main stack
of the standalone. (If you don't specify a font anywhere, the engine sets
the defaults to Helvetica.)

>I can specify any of the fonts that are on my system but since this
>is an application that is going to be distributed over all Mac/Win.Linux
>I should probably stick to? If this were web design I could use list
>"Helevetica, Arial, sans-serif", is this handled in the Profile Manager
>(the one
>tutorial I have yet to do)?

Not as such, although you can use the Profile Manager along with a bit of
scripting to create a cascading fonts list. The basic approach would be to
create a profile for each possible font, and in your startup handler, check
the fontNames function to see which one to use.

Or, if all the fonts you're considering are close enough to the same size
that you won't need to adjust button widths and so on to fit, and you're
only planning to use one font, you can simply set your standalone's
textFont on startup. Everything else (that doesn't have its own font
properties set) will inherit from the main stack of the standalone, and you
won't need to bother with the Profile Manager.

>I can use quicktime effects and display movies in cards. I the quick time
>functionality embedded in the distributed application or am I going to have to
>ensure that the user has Quicktime installed on their system?

QuickTime must be installed for the QT-based effects to work - the engine
simply calls the QuickTime routines for this.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

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