Dev Project

Dar Scott dsc at
Fri Apr 12 17:45:01 EDT 2002

On Friday, April 12, 2002, at 07:30 AM, Steve Messimer wrote:

>> I want it to act like browse even though pointer (edit) is selected.
> Not sure what you mean here.

 From looking at topStack as you suggested below and then 
discovering mode, I realize that what I probably want is a stack 
whose mode is not 1.

Mark suggested setting the style to palette.  If I set it to 
palette, can I ever change it again?

One way to make the mode not 1 I discovered from the docs is to 
have cantModify set to true.  Is that a one-way operation?  Will I 
be able to set it to false?

>> I want to know which card and stack I'm working on.
> If you create a plug-in you can always get the name of the 
> topStack and the
> name or ID of the current card.
> example:
> put the short name of topStack into fld "objStackName"

Do I need to check that the mode of the topStack is 1?

>> I want to make sure I don't fool with rev stacks.
> It sounds like you need to make a plug-in.  This isn't well 
> documented but
> is relatively easy to do. Basically you create a stack and drop it 
> in the
> plug-ins folder.

Can I assume the mode of a rev stack is never 1?

A plugin sounds cool.

>> I might want to change the text in the rev script edit field.
> Do you mean that you want to change one object's script via an event
> executed in another Object (eg a btn click )

I want to insert text while editing the script.  So, I want to know 
the, uh, path or long name of the field of the rev script editor.  
And I need to know whether that is discouraged or frowned upon.

I'd rather not make my own script editor.

Dar Scott

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