Grep Challenge/Multi-line HTML chunks
katir at
Wed Apr 10 17:17:01 EDT 2002
I am using Rev to build HTML pages and swop out code chunks of a large
number of files. I could do this in BBEdit, but there is no custom tool set
in that environment... also I am untrained in grep...
So: Challenge it this, I want to swap out the footer on 100's of HTML pages
unfortunately they were coded all by hand, passed through email, wrapped to
short lines (some) i.e. not consistent in line breaks.
I need to grep for a string that starts with
"<!--Footer Text-->"
Following by quite a lot of HTML code on multiple lines and then
ending with this on it's own line:
The grep has to escape the forward slashes, all the tagging characters,
colons, exclamation marks, end lines (mac endlines) and all regular numbers
and characters in between... is this possible with the new grep in Rev and
if so, can someone give me the grep string?
Hinduism Today
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