Password-protecting a stack

Wolfgang M. Bereuter wmb at
Tue Apr 9 10:32:01 EDT 2002

am 08.04.2002 13:19 Uhr schrieb use-revolution-request at
unter use-revolution-request at

> Password-protecting a stack...
> Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 02:31:21 -0500
> Reply-To: use-revolution at
> I have a standalone which creates stacks. I wish them to be protected. So, I
> set the password property of a newly created stack before saving it.
> Now, when I launch RunRev, I can open and view the controls and fields of
> the newly password protected stack without any password prompt! I only get
> asked for the password when I attempt to access the scripts. Any idea on how
> I can prevent people from seeing the controls and fields as it is there I am
> storing information. Thanks for any help.


I don´t know if I , as a non programmer, can help you with my "small"
All stacks are made before (build distribution) so there is no stack to

I do the password with 3 different stacks (all opens in the window of the
1. stack = running engine = splash screen (cant save)
2. stack = register stack
3. stack = start stack (main)

when the user opens first time the programm (running engine), there is a
check on any click of the password property of the register stack
if its true any click brings him to the register card on the register stack
if its false he goes directly to the start stack (start of the programm)

on the register stack
the correct password brings him to the start stack and sets the  password
property of the register stack to false - so when he opens the programm
second (every) time he goes directly to the start stack.

Imho the user can´t see nothing and can´t open anything. All stacks are
compiled (encrypted) with password and there is a global - wich checks the
password or quit rev - in every stack to protect it from beeing opened
directly. Thats enough protection for my program...

I have a diagram wich shows this better than I can explain it. I can send it
to you...

Wolfgang M. Bereuter

Learn easy with trainingsmaps and outliner

INTERNETTRAINER Wolfgang M. Bereuter
Edelhofg. 17/11, A-1180 Wien, Austria
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