Nasty script stays disobedient

Klaus Major kmajor at
Mon Apr 8 09:37:00 EDT 2002

Dag Terry,

> I have a script that makes a button on another stack. Making a new 
> button
> automatically selects the pointer tool, but afterwards the browse tool
> should be selected again.
> That is where it gets annoying. When I add 'choose browse tool' in that
> script, the pointer tool stays selected. When I repeat it a few times, 
> the
> pointer tool stays selected. Even when I use all-capitals, enlarge the 
> font
> size and use bold for that sentence in the script editor, it won't 
> listen.

The scripts are totally deaf, unfortunately... :-)

> That nasty little script should take an example form the message box! I 
> only
> once have to type 'choose browse tool' et voila! No problemos!

This look like a bug.

It should work, but doesn't, even with the latest version...

Please bug-report it.

> Should I spank it? If so, how and where?

Yes, hard and "op de bloote kunt" ;-)

> Terry

Hope this helps...

Regards/Tot kijk

Klaus Major
kmajor at

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