Revolution.out window when disconnect from database

Ben Rubinstein benr_mc at
Thu Apr 4 10:30:01 EST 2002

on 3/4/02 11:18 PM, KEITH SPIELDENNER at kspieldenner at wrote:

> First, even after passing the user and password through the revdb_connect()
> command, I am presented with a dialog asking for user and password. No entry
> is needed, just hit OK or Cancel and the dialog disappears. The connection
> is complete. I take this to be some ODBC quirk, but I only get this problem
> on the Mac, not on a PC.

I believe that this is a problem in the Merant ODBC driver - but I haven't
tried to prove it by using some app other than Revolution.

> Second, when disconnecting from the database using
> revdb_disconnect(myConnectionID), a window titled "Revolution.out" appears
> to confirm the disconnect.

This was a bug introduced in 1.1.1 beta 2 (rc1) - I reported it a week or
two ago.  I think it means the revdb code was built with a debug flag on, so
there's no reason to think it won't be fixed when 1.1.1 goes golden.  (BTW,
sadly it does apply to any standalones you build from 1.1.1b2 - if you're
using revdb, but don't need the new features added *to revdb* in that
version, I recommend developing in 1.1.1b2, but using 1.1.1b1 to build
  Ben Rubinstein               |  Email: benr_mc at
  Cognitive Applications Ltd   |  Phone: +44 (0)1273-821600        |  Fax  : +44 (0)1273-728866

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