FP scripts

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Wed Apr 3 23:06:01 EST 2002

Lately, we have had some questions and explorations concerning 
binary floating point numbers in Revolution.

Here are some functions that can be used to examine the floating 
point representation.  You can use them to log intermediate values 
in confusing calculations.  Or you can use them to learn about 
floating point or to prove bugs.

function rawFP x
   -- returns a string showing the binary values of the eight bytes
   set numberFormat to "00000000.#"
   put binaryEncode("d", x) into y
   put empty into z
   repeat for each char c in y
     put (baseConvert(charToNum(c),10,2)+0) & " " after z
   end repeat
   return z
end rawFP

function FP x
   -- returns a string in this form:
   -- -1.000000000010000000000...0000 (binary) * 2^24 (decimal)
   local bits
   put binaryEncode("d", x) into y
   put binaryDecode("B64",y,bits) into count
   if char 1 of bits = "1" then put "-" into bin
   put "1." & char 13 to -1 of bits & " (binary) " after bin
   put "* 2^" & baseConvert(char 2 to 12 of bits,2,10)-1023 \
      & " (decimal)" after bin
   return bin
end FP

This last one does not indicate +inf, NaN and so on.  I did it 
second, so it is a little cleaner.    It will have to be modified 
to get the fixed point form used by Michael Mays in recent mail.

Dar Scott

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