pasting objects
Ian Summerfield
iansummerfield at
Mon Apr 1 20:48:01 EST 2002
I think it should be just "paste", I wasn't aware of paste having any
parameters. "It" will contain the ID of the newly created object.
On 29/3/02 3:01 pm, "Steve Messimer" <steve at> scribed:
> Hi,
> I am having problems writing a script that pastes an objects from a plug-in
> to any other stack.
> When I do this the target button does get pasted but then an error message
> pops up that aborts the remainder of the script.
> the problem code hilited by the debugger is ...
> paste btn bGOName
> here's the pertinent part of the script.
> -- creates new btn in destination stack
> copy btn bGOName -- bGOName is a var that holds the name of the bGO
> push card
> open stack targetStack -- this is the topStack
> go to card id targetCard -- the id of the current card of the topStack
> paste btn bGOName -- this is the code that always invokes the debugger
> -- I'm wondering if this problem is somehow related to the menu bar's
> -- status even tho the Paste Objects menu item is active in the plug-in it
> -- may not be in the tarrget stack.
> <script execution ceases here>
> pop card
> -- make new TF grp
> copy grp bGOName
> push card
> open stack targetStack
> go to card id targetCard
> paste grp bGOName
> pop card
> Anyone have any ideas?
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