How can I foreground an app?
Ian Summerfield
iansummerfield at
Mon Apr 1 20:43:01 EST 2002
For Macintosh using you store the name of your app in the variable
Do "tell application " & quote & theNameOfMyApp & quote & " to activate" as
I don't think they will be a common solution to all platforms, but I could
be wrong. I have a revolution program that keeps my FileMaker server in
the foreground 24/7, well apart from certain hours where it quits it for
backup and launches it again, I do the same thing with Firstclass servers.
On 1/4/02 6:56 pm, "Victor Eijkhout" <eijkhout at> scribed:
> (With my apologies for that case of verbing in the subject :-)
> I'm writing an alarm clock. When the alarm goes off it would be nice
> if the app became foremost, so that the user could hit the Any Key to
> snooze the alarm.
> So how do I tell an app that's not foremost, or maybe even hidden to
> become foremost?
> --
> Victor Eijkhout <eijkhout at>
> tel: 865 974 9308 (W), 865 673 6998 (H), 865 974 8296 (F)
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