[Use-revolution] Re: Constraining Movement

Sjoerd Op 't Land sjoerdoptland at mac.com
Tue Nov 27 11:24:01 EST 2001

Mark MacKenzie (Shaw) wrote/ schreef:

> I have a small graphic based group which upon "mousemove" etc. is grabbed by
> the mouse cursor and moved.  It is placed (originally and I would like it to
> stay here too!) within the borders an image which is some 3 times the area
> of the moveable graphic.  I have been unsuccessful in constraining the
> movement of the graphic group to within this image.  The graphic group and
> image are on a card with a much larger image underneath.
> There has got to be a fairly straightforward way to do this but I have gone
> round and round without getting this right.
It seems to be easy, but.. at least I had some trouble. I've found a script
that works, but... it can be better:

global dY,dX,tDrag

on mouseDown
  put true into tDrag
  put item 1 of the mouseLoc - item 1 of loc of me into dX
  put item 2 of the mouseLoc - item 2 of loc of me into dY
  put dy,dx
end mouseDown

on mouseMove newX,newY
  if the mouse is down and tDrag then
    if trunc((item 1 of the mouseLoc - dX) + the width of me /
2),trunc((item 2 of the mouseLoc - dY) + the height of me / 2) is within the
rect of image "myImage" and trunc((item 1 of the mouseLoc - dX) - the width
of me / 2),trunc((item 2 of the mouseLoc - dY) - the height of me / 2) is
within the rect of image "myImage" then
      set the loc of me to (item 1 of the mouseLoc - dX),(item 2 of the
mouseLoc - dY)
    end if
  end if
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
  put false into tDrag
  put empty into dY
  put empty into dX
end mouseUp

> I have received a lot of good help and advice on this list, thank you.
> Regards Mark
Regards, / Groeten,

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