Metacard 4

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Sat Sep 5 17:06:01 CDT 2009

Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Know the engine.
> Trust the engine.
> Use the engine.

Mind-numbing mantras are used for just that; to numb the mind and stop
all discussion and critical thinking.

This is why, although I work only with RunRev, I keep looking at HyperNext,
Elefat and so on, because, while at the moment they amount to very little,
may, in due course, either give RunRev a run for its money, or prick it
not to become monopolistically complacent.

Metacard is not going forwards; it is now just an old, passé user interface
onto an engine that deserves and requires something a lot better; and that
something is already well developed: Runtime Revolution.
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