Standalone Building

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Fri Oct 9 14:30:50 CDT 2009

Klaus wrote:

> Still unsure what "RevStandaloneSetting" has got ot do with MC?
Stack "RevStandaloneSettings" with its substack "RevSaveAsStandalone" of the Rev IDE is the equivalent
 (and something more) of our Metacard "Standalone Builder".

I tried to explain in my last post how Oliver Kenyon's solution to bug 2217 might work with
 the patched stack "RevStandaloneSettings" and the new custom property (introduced as a 
workaround by Oliver), namely "cREVKeepDevelopmentProperties".

If this property is *not* set to true, the present standalone building in the Rev IDE 
will even proceed to remove development properties when there are none - as in stacks produced in th MC IDE,
and this will lead to these everlasting standalone building processes of possibly several hours..

And: the present file "Standalone" of the Rev IDE which we presently use als in our standalone building - instead of formerly "MC.exe -
can no longer used for standalone building neither in the MC nor in the Rev IDE.

Meaning, if this - although maybe temporary - present workaround or proposal of Oliver is to be transferred into our IDE, we need 
to set the property
 in our equivalent of stack "RevstandaloneSettings" namely in our "Standalone Builder".

Unless, of course, the whole thing will be resolved by the Rev team in a different way other 
than Oliver's workaround.

Everything's clear?


Wilhelm Sanke

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