launch url

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Tue Apr 22 17:02:15 CDT 2008

Hi Jacque,

How do you define "set up properly"? I'd say, if double-clicking a  
file opens it in the right application, file associations are set up  
properly. If I double-click a PDF in Windows, Acrobat Reader opens it,  
which seems to indicate that file associations are set up propert, but  
if I use launch document, the file is not opened.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

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On 22 apr 2008, at 23:01, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> Shari wrote:
> I just had a chance to test this on Windows XP using Parallels and  
> it appropriately responds by launching my (Mac) browser -- which is  
> how I have it set up. So something is working at least. I wasn't  
> able to unset the preference that makes Parallels launch the Mac app  
> instead of the Windows one, though I tried a number of things. But  
> it does seem to indicate that the appropriate call is being made to  
> the OS.
> There is a report in bugzilla that "launch document" doesn't always  
> work for everyone, and it turns out that if you don't have file  
> associations set up properly it will fail. All that "launch  
> document" does is sent a shell command to the OS. I suspect that  
> "launch URL" does the same thing. If that's true, then checking file  
> associations might be the answer.

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