The Aborted Plunge (Metacard to Revolution)

Robert Brenstein rjb at
Thu May 31 05:02:52 CDT 2007

>>I have asked several times since using MC about searching all scripts,
>>and never got a really good solution.  I MISS the Hypercard ss
>>function.  That was awesome!  It just took you to each instance,
>>let you change it, then moved on to the next one.
>Was HC's script editor modal?  I'd thought it wasn't.  If not, how did
>ss suspend while the script was being edited?

Just for curiosity, I just launched HC and checked it out. Script 
Editor is modeless. The search script handler has

if the script of this stack contains pattern then edit script of this stack
repeat with curBgnd = 1 to the number of backgrounds

All objects are checked the same way, so apparently the script 
suspends while script editor is opened and continues after it is 

I don't have MC here to check.


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