Mouseup snatched away

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed May 16 23:22:00 CDT 2007

Shari wrote:
> I've encountered the strangest thing, and I have no idea when it crept 
> in.  I have a frontscript that catches mouseUp.  But now, while in stack 
> mode (the raw project before being turned into a standalone), Metacard 
> catches the mouseUp before my frontscript as far as I can tell.  In 
> checking the frontscripts, Metacard places one in front of mine, and the 
> Metacard Menu Bar catches it as best I can tell.  It never gets to my 
> mouseUp.

If the MC frontscript is removed, and then you do something that 
replaces it, it will go in front of yours because it is the most recent 
one inserted. You may have a script that removes MC's frontscript, or 
some IDE actions may re-insert it (painting does, I think.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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