Automated setup file uploaded

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Jul 15 15:07:04 CDT 2007

Robert Brenstein wrote:
>> If the Finder window is closed during the installation there's no 
>> problem. If anyone knows how to fix that, I'll implement it.
> Isn't it possible to close the Finder window through Applescript?

Okay, this works. I just updated the scripts to close the window, 
install, and then re-open the window at the end to force the icon update.

So now my question is: does anyone think it is objectionable to tinker 
with the user's Finder windows this way? I know I get mildly irritated 
when an app does that, but it isn't a very strong irritation. Should 
Setup do it?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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