Automated setup file uploaded

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Jul 15 12:31:12 CDT 2007

Jan Schenkel wrote:

> Since I don't have any previous Metacard license
> (though I do have a Revolution Enterprise license),
> what exacly should I do to create a Metacard 2.8.1?

As Klaus mentioned, a MC license isn't required any more for engines 
after version 2.7. So you should be able to use the setup stack just fine.

> I imagine I could open your .mc stack using Revolution
> and push a button there, or is it slightly more
> complicated?

The stack was designed to run in either Revolution or MetaCard on any 
platform/OS, using any edition of Revolution except for Revolution 
Media. (I think it will install using Media, but the app won't launch.) 
So yes, you can open Setup in Revolution and all the default settings 
should be correct. Just click the button at the bottom.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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