Moving to MC 2.7

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Mon Oct 23 05:17:06 CDT 2006

The test stack for measuring speed differences in imagedata handling 
between Rev and MC  I uploaded yesterday contains an 640X480-pixels 
image. The differences are distinctly apparent here, but of course 
somewhat smaller than with larger pictures.

I have now added a test stack  that contains a 1600X1200 image and also 
- in the text field - part of the detailed results of testing Rev 
against MC as stacks and standalones of engine versions 2.66/2.6.1 and 

<>  (9 MB).

Of course I recommend to integrate the new 2.7.4 engine into the MC IDE 
because of the new features.

However some of the new bugs that have been reported on the use list for 
the Rev IDE are apparent in the MC IDE, too, as they are engine-related, 
 the coming to the front of an underlying opened folder that hides the 
stack you are working on when you have looked at the card or stack 
script and then hide the script editor.


Wilhelm Sanke

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