(Not) deleting identical substacks - solved.

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at hrz.uni-kassel.de
Fri Nov 17 11:44:20 CST 2006

> I noticed that if you delete a substack - using stack "stack 
> components" that is launched from the properties palette - from a 
> stack "mystack" that has a name (like "color chooser" or "answer 
> dialog") identical to one of the substacks of stack "mctools", both 
> substacks are being deleted!
> The essential script line in button "delete" of group "substacks" of 
> stack "stack components" is
>      "delete stack cname of stack the label of button "Stack Name""
> Button "Stack Name" showed stack "mystack" at the time of the deletion.
> - Using the message box with "delete stack "mysubstack" of stack 
> "mystack"" works - only the substack in "mystack" is deleted, but 
> deleting with button "delete" of group "substacks" of stack "stack 
> components" actually deletes both substacks in "mystack" and 
> "mctools", although the contents of
> "delete stack cname of stack the label of button "Stack Name""  
> (button "delete") and
> "delete stack "mysubstack" of stack "mystack""  (message box)
> should be the same.

I tried a number of variation with ID, the long ID, the owner, the 
effective filename, but none of these properties or other prevarications 

Apparently the "cohesion" or "binding" between

stack "mysubstack"  of stack "mystack"

is not strong enough and we would maybe need a new syntax like "delete 
substack "x" of stack "y".

Stack "stack components" that contains the delete button is itself a 
substack of "mctools" and therefore at first comes across the identical 
substack in "mctools" and then deletes both identical substacks.

The only solution I have found is to move stack "stack components" out 
of  "mctools" and transform it to become an individual mainstack. Now 
only the intended substack is being deleted and the identical substack 
in "mctools" remains untouched.

The reason why the message box is also a possibility like I reported 
above - although it is also a substack of "mctools" - seems to be that 
"stack components" is opened as a palette, whereas msg is opened as 

-- Wilhelm Sanke

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