How to put a background image in the foreground?

Klaus Major klaus at
Wed Mar 15 09:04:08 CST 2006

Hi Reinhold,

> Hi!
>>> In that case i would group that single image so it can be a
>>> "background group" but
>>> can be layered separately.
>>> on preopencard
>>>     set the layer of grp "group with little background image" to  
>>> (the
>>> num of controls)
>>> end preopencard
>> Nice :-)
>> I put even two images "Pointer1" and "Pointer2" in a new  
>> background group "BGTopLevel", but now my old script don't works  
>> any longer. MC says: no such object.
>> It is a script of a button in the old background group and the  
>> addressed image is in the new one. What code helps MC to find the  
>> image?
>>   if there is an img "Photo1" then
>>     show img "Pointer1" #now in grp "BGTopLevel"
>>   else
>>     hide img "Pointer1"
>>   end if
> I tested my stack and the additional background-group more pedantic  
> and I found that the cards in my stack do not accept the new  
> background-group. After the switch to the next card the group is  
> removed from the "card groups" to the "stack backgrounds" and so mc  
> can't find the image "Pointer1".
> How can I persuade mc to accept the new group as a card group?

??? Do you mean that "background behaviour" is set for that group but  
the group does not appear
on your cards? Or what do you mean by "the cards do not accept the  
new gackground group"?

Did you "place" the new bg on the cards? That does not happen  
automatically! ;-)

You could do so with a little script:
repeat with i = 1 to the um of cds
   place bg "the new one with the little image" onto cd i
end repeat

> Reinhold


Klaus Major
klaus at

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