Rev licensing

Alain Farmer alain_farmer at
Mon Feb 20 21:11:44 CST 2006

Hello Richard,

> Today All RunRev requires is
> (last I heard anyway):
>    This product was made with Revolution
>    Portions Copyright 2006 Runtime Revolution Ltd.

I don't object to including of a copyright notice in
*MY* splash-screen, and definitely in the About and
other docs, but the issue is whether we have to use
Rev's splash instead of our own CUSTOM splash screen.

> I see nothing "natural" about choosing a tool
> and then being ashamed of your own choice.

MetaCard and Rev are a hard sale. Out of the box they
look and feel a bit clunky. If one goes to all of the
trouble of creating a whole new look-and-feel, doesn't
he earn himself the right to splash his solution as he
wishes? Because Runtime Inc needs a boost in sales, we
*have to* use their generic english splash? instead of
our own custom localized one??

> If you don't like using a particular tool,
> you may find another more to your liking.

What *I* like, versus what my customers *expect*, are
TWO different matters. Sometimes I manage to persuade
them to let me use what *I* like, but it is difficult
(increasingly so, over time) to persuade them to use a
proprietary xCard. I try VERY hard but in the end the
customer is always right!  ;-(

> A vendor has a legitimate right to request
> a simple copyright notice in exchange for 
> accomplishing the other 90% of your application.

This isn't what is objectionable [toi me]. I'm okay
with including a copyright notice in the About, and
other docs too; perhaps even in *my* splash screens,
albeit in very small print.

The issue is whether we can create our own custom
standalone 'players', with our own custom splash
screen, for the editable stacks that we craft for our

> You're always welcome to crack open GCC
> and write that other 90% yourself.

I have considered this more than once.  ;-)

>> Sorry for giving you such a hard time
>> about this, Kevin,
> metacard at is not Kevin's address.
> Kevin's address is kevin at

Thanks for the info. I was assuming that Kevin was on
THIS list, as well as any other [mail] list that deals
with HIS product.



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