Popup menus

Shari shari at gypsyware.com
Sat Feb 18 08:28:46 CST 2006

>you could use a custom made stack and let that one pop up :-)
>Since popup buttons are "system provided" menus there is not much 
>chance to change
>their appearance... None actually ;-)

Wow Klaus, talk about a quick response!  You are a speedy little 
devil, aintcha?

Thankie kindly for the nifty idea.  I'm entering into lots of new 
territory with the new project.  And she's going to be a beauty :-)

I haven't put out something totally new in a long time.  Everything 
has been updates to existing programs.  This is very exciting and I 
still marvel at the many features MC offers.


Mac and Windows shareware games

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