MC 2.7 building standalone

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Feb 16 16:01:42 CST 2006

Klaus Major wrote:
> And now I know what to change in the script of the MC standalone  builder.

I wrote this elsewhere, but in case anyone missed it, the standalone 
builder doesn't necessarily need to be revised to support 2.7 in OS X. 
You only need to make a fake MC app that has the new Standalone engine 
in it. Of course, if Klaus wants to revise the SB to accept apps that 
are not named "Metacard", that'd be great too. Then we could point it at 

For now though, all you have to do is:

1. Make a copy of any working MC app.
2. Rename the new bundle something descriptive, i.e.: "MC SB-only"
3. Duplicate the engine out of the Standalone app bundle in:

  /Applications/Revolution Enterprise/2.7.0-gm-1/Runtime/Mac OS 

4. Rename it to "MetaCard" and replace the engine in the bundle you just 
made with this one.

This new app will be a standalone-building app only. It won't launch or 
run MC.

As of version 2.7 it is important to note that you can't build 
standalones out of the engine that runs the IDE. Conversely, you can't 
run any external stacks using a standalone as a "player". So it is 
important to choose the "standalone" version of the app engine when 
making a standalone, as that is the only one that will work.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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