Cursor gets in a field or leaves it

Ken Ray kray at
Thu Feb 9 18:04:27 CST 2006

On 2/9/06 3:49 PM, "Reinhold Venzl-Schubert" <r.venzl-schubert at>

> Hi!
> How I can ask a message when the cursor gets in a field or leaves it.
> I want to write a script like:
> if the cursor gets in field "abc" then
>    answer "Hi!"
> end if
> or a script like this:
> if the cursor leaves fld "xyz" then
>    answer "Thank you!"
> end if

You get the "openField" message when the cursor enters a field, and the
"closeField" message when the cursor leaves the field (if the contents have
changed), or the "exitField" message when the cursor leaves the field with
the contents *unchanged*.


on openField
  answer "Hi"
end openField

on closeField
  answer "Thank you!"
end closeField

on exitField
  answer "Thank you!"
end exitField

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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