MC and UB

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Aug 23 10:27:03 CDT 2006

Klaus Major wrote:

> ############################
> Should I add a handler to "mctools" and "mchelp" to adjust the font- and 
> buttonsizes
> of these stacks "on preopenstack"?
> [  ] YES
> [  ] NO
> ############################

I remember when the last IDE shipped with the message box set to 11 
point text and I could not read it on my high-resolution monitor. It was 
too small. I'd rather leave things as they are.

> OK, let me see, if I understand you right:
> 1. In the new "object sizes" prefs there will be a checkbox "Use my 
> settings" or something.
> 2. Some "on newbutton" "on newfiled" etc. handlers will have to be put 
> into the script of stack "mctools", since this will be "started using" 
> anyway.
> 3. If we create new objects, then they will resize to the settings IF 
> the above mentioned checkbox had been checked.
> If not, nothing will happen and "on newxyz" will be passed.
> Correct?

I don't think you need to go to that much trouble. Wouldn't it work to 
just set the sizes of the template objects on startup? That is, set the 
templatebutton, templatefield, etc. That should trickle down to 
everything else (though I haven't examined the scripts, so I'm not 
positive.) This would be a simple setting to alter, and I think that is 
how the Rev IDE does it. My own feeling is that we don't even need a 
prefs checkbox for it. It can just  happen. The current sizes aren't 
specific to any OS anyway, so changing them wouldn't make much difference.

I will vote yes on this change, because it is very convenient to create 
new objects that comply to OS standards. It is only a partial fix 
though, because our own scripts will have to adjust all object sizes 
anyway if a stack is used on multiple platforms.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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