CGI for dummies failed

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Aug 20 15:11:30 CDT 2006

Shari wrote:

> I do not have a current license.  My license is for Metacard from before 
> the RunRev takeover.  I am waiting for the OSX-Intel-Metacard standalone 
> bugs to be worked out before I upgrade my license :-)

As Richard pointed out, you can use the old MC engine.

Note though that there are no standalone/Intel bugs when building with 
Revolution's IDE. I believe Richard is working on getting the MC IDE 
standalone builder to work with Universal Binaries, but in the mean time 
MC still works fine as-is for Windows and PPC Macs. If you upgrade to 
Revolution, you can always just use the Rev builder for any UB 
standalones until the MC IDE works again. You may find, as I have, that 
you prefer Rev's builder anyway. It has some advantages over MetaCard's. 
Generally I use both IDEs simultaneously; each has its strong points and 
I use them for different things.

I don't know what problems you've discovered with upgrading to 
Enterprise, but RR has recently been running a cross-grade discount. I 
can't remember if it has expired yet or not, but it would be worth 
asking about when you write to support.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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